Executive Committee
PPC operates under the overall policy guidance of an Executive Committee. The 21 members of the Executive Committee are elected by PPC’s member utilities and serve two-year terms. Occasionally committees are drawn from member utilities, and with the support of PPC staff conduct technical studies and recommend strategies on specific issues.
2025 – 2026 Officers:
- Chris Robinson, Tacoma Power
- Chair
- Libby Calnon, Hood River Electric & Internet Co-op
- Vice Chair, Administration & Budget
- Steve Andersen, Clark Public Utilities
- Vice Chair, Allocation / Rates / Contracts
- Jim Smith, Klickitat PUD
- Vice Chair, Long Range Planning
- Humaira Falkenberg, Pacific County PUD #2
- Vice Chair, Fish and Wildlife
- Rich Wallen, Grant PUD
- Vice Chair, Market Development
Executive Committee Members and Alternates:
Alternates listed under each board member’s name.
- Steve Andersen, Clark Public Utilities
- Lena Wittler, Clark Public Utilities
- Jim Anderson, Midstate Electric Cooperative
- Lindsay Forepaugh, Wasco Electric Cooperative
- Max Beach, Idaho County Light and Power Cooperative
- Brad Gamett, Lost River Electric
- Libby Calnon, Hood River Electric & Internet Co-op
- Robert Echenrode, Umatilla Electric Coop
- Megan Capper, Eugene Water & Electric Board
- Brian Booth, Eugene Water & Electric Board
- Bryan Case, Fall River Rural Electric Cooperative
- John Francisco, Big Bend Electric Cooperative
- Annette Creekpaum, Mason County PUD #3
- Michele Patterson, Mason PUD #3
- John Dietz, McMinnville Water & Light
- Nate Rivera, Hermiston Energy Services
- Rick Dunn, Benton PUD
- Victor Fuentes, Franklin PUD
- Humaira Falkenberg, Pacific PUD
- Schuyler Burkhart, Grays Harbor PUD
- Gary Huhta, Cowlitz PUD
- Steve Taylor, Cowlitz PUD
- Mark Johnson, Flathead Electric Cooperative
- Jason Williams, Flathead Electric Cooperative
- Dawn Lindell, Seattle City Light
- Siobhan Doherty, Seattle City Light
- Joe Morgan, Modern Electric Water Company
- Ryan Redmond, Benton REA
- Bear Prairie, Idaho Falls Power
- Chase Morgan, Idaho Falls Power
- Chris Robinson, Tacoma Power
- Ray Johnson, Tacoma Power
- Jim Smith, Klickitat PUD
- Mike DeMott, Klickitat PUD
- Michael Sykes, Columbia River PUD
- Tyrel Hillebrand, Central Lincoln PUD
- Steve Taylor, Okanogan County PUD No. 1
- Ron Gadeberg, Okanogan County PUD No. 1
- Rich Wallen, Grant PUD
- Dawn Van Diest, Grant PUD
- Jason Zyskowski, Snohomish County PUD
- Garrison Marr, Snohomish County PUD